That was what three boat thieves were thinking when they stole a 36 foot, $300,000, Center Console fishing boat off someone’s boat lift in Fort Myers. But catch them they did, but at what cost? The 20-hour ordeal landed them in hot water 300 miles off Mexico. Florida has one of the highest statistics when it comes to boat theft due to our incredible weather. In Lee County alone, 39 boats have been stolen. Here is the local news story where the whole crime played out.
So many of these incidents could have been avoided had these boat owners realized that a Tattletale portable wireless security system could have notified them immediately with a text, email, and phone call that there was someone intruding on their boat. All this time, energy and money could have been saved. Fortunately, the boat owner did get his boat back but now will be transporting it to Miami from Fort Myers to have it inspected for damage. More time and energy wasted.
Whether you’re an individual that owns a boat or a commercial dealer, consider some of the applications that Tattletale has to offer to protect your investment. There is still time for commercial dealers to empower their business with the security of Tattletale. Why not help your yearend tax bill with the Section 179 expenditure?
Call us to order today! (855) 348-2736