These tips are good for the Holidays but I utilize them all year long.
When you’re Out Shopping: Don’t carry a lot of cash, use a credit card for purchases. Place all your purchases in the trunk of you vehicle. Place anything of value inside your vehicle out of site or in the trunk. Don’t park your car in an unlit area, and make sure you’re not fumbling for keys and with packages to get in your car, especially at night.
Utilizing an ATM: Don’t go when it’s dark. Don’t get out of your car if you don’t have to, use the drive thru if possible. If you see someone suspicious hanging around that ATM, find another one.
While at Home: Keep your doors and windows locked, whether you’re home or away. Limit visibility inside your home so people can’t see all your valuables, especially wrapped gifts that maybe under a Christmas tree. If a stranger comes to your door and you don’t recognize them, don’t answer. Don’t leave expensive gift boxes out for the trash, break them down and put them in a recycling container. Leave a light, television or radio on to indicate someone is home when you’re away.
While Traveling: Stop your newspaper and mail or have someone pick it up daily. Periodically have someone stop in if you’re going to be away for a long time, to pick up flyers or anything that might be left in the doorway or on the driveway. Let a neighbor know you’ll be traveling so that if anything out of the ordinary occurs they can contact you directly.
eGuarded wishes you and your family a very Happy Holiday Season!