by Kim Dailey | May 13, 2019 | Background Checks News, News, vehicles, Why Screen News
On November 16th, 2011, $7 million was paid to a family by an Arkansas federal court in compensation for an avoidable deadly car crash. The truck driver responsible for the tragedy was later exposed for having a history of poor driving, including license revoking. It...
by Kim Dailey | Jul 24, 2017 | News, vehicles
What better way to cool off than on a boat? Florida is still the number one state in the country where boat theft has the highest ranking. With Florida’s close proximity to water it makes stealing a boat and what’s on board a tempting crime. Boat Security Concerns...
by Kim Dailey | May 24, 2017 | News, Uncategorized, vehicles
Next, to your home and car, a motorcycle, boat, or RV may be the next largest purchase you invest in. Summertime in Florida is peak boating season. Continue reading to find out how some individuals were affected by boat theft and what you can do to protect your...
by Kim Dailey | Nov 10, 2016 | News, vehicles
Boats on trailers are the perfect target for thieves. We have been seeing a lot of articles on how to protect your boat when it’s parked on a trailer. The recommendation has been, LOCKS, LOCKS and more LOCKS. That is an awful lot of LOCKS. Locking up your boat and...
by Kim Dailey | Jul 28, 2016 | News, vehicles
It doesn’t seem to matter where you live, whether it be Florida, Texas, Colorado or even Belize, if you own a boat or a boat trailer, you’re at “RISK!” A Marco Island man stole a boat and then proceeded to smash it up, also injuring his partner in crime. In the...
by Kim Dailey | May 31, 2016 | News, personal, vehicles
I am never surprised when I read news articles about the theft of boats, heavy equipment or expensive construction materials. It has happened so many times before and it will continue to happen; yet, boat owners continue to believe it will never happen to them. Boats...